COERR’s Integrated Conservation and Development Program (ICAD) in Mae Hong Son communities

Under the Integrated Conservation and Development Program (ICAD) for self-reliance, carried out in Ban Huay Fan and Ban Huay Hoong communities in Khun Yuam District, Mae Hong Son Province, near Mae Surin refugee camp, agricultural and environmental activities were successfully implemented. Communal agriculture areas were expanded.


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Agriculture in the Community Plot is for Household Consumption and Selling in the Market.


COERR supported the water system to enable farmers to grow vegetables for household consumption. The surplus is sold at the market and school and to refugee camp. There is a model farmer group and they have a successful agricultural learning center to which other farmers are invited for training. Seeds and seedlings are provided by COERR to farmers who show their readiness to engage in plot and soil preparation and supplies such as fencing net, provided so as to prevent animal attacks.


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Mushroom Stock Making


On February 16-17, 2011, training on garbage management and separation had been organized for 27 primary school children in two communities with the following aims: Understanding the process of garbage management; Sorting according to types of garbage; Understanding the impact of garbage on health; Choosing an effective way for garbage management and Learning how to sort garbage for further treatment.


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Garbage Management Training Courses were held in schools in both communities.


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Plant matter decomposition in the landfill area as fertilizer for agricultural use.
Dry leaves and paper have been dumped and recycled as compost.


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Students of two schools who passed the garbage management training
under the Integrated Conservation and Development Program


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Bio-fertilizer making from food waste fermentation


After the training, the two schools have utilized garbage sorting system to reduce the problem. As a result, the following process was followed: Kitchen waste such as vegetables, egg shell and meat scraps have been fermented into liquid fertilizer. Dry leaves and paper have been dumped and recycled as compost. Recyclable matter such as paper, plastic and glass have been sold. Plastic bags, milk box, candy wrappers are buried or burned.